June 18, 2011


I am pregnant again! I hope I have a least one son soon!
Cooper and I hope for as many children as we can have before we are old.
I tried on some maternity clothing today and
found the most comfortable outfit I could find.
I patted my stomach and talked to my newly formed baby.
I can't wait!

I spent most of the first day just walking around
trying out my comfortable clothing and doing laundry.

Cooper spent his day exercising and building his muscles.

I decided to work on my novel writing more.
I was getting pretty good with two books published so far.
I wanted to write a children's book and a romance novel.

The computer fried half way through the book 
I was starting. Luckily, I have auto-save on my word processor.

Kimberly was on her way home from school
when she gave me a phone call asking if she
could throw a slumber party.
I agreed she could have a few friends over.

She invited some of her young school friends
to join in the slumbering fun!

They spent a lot of time in the tree house
that night. They were holding a secret club!
Girls only!

One of their friends I could have mistake for a boy,
but she's just very masculine... Kaitlyn and Kimberly have
very unique friends... 
But the girls all had a great time!

In the morning we celebrated ALL the girls'
birthdays, including their girl friends!
Kaitlyn aged up first!
She seemed hesitant, but grew more and more excited.

Kimberly and her two friends aged up next!

Kaitlyn is a beautiful girl! She posed for me after she grew up.
She said, "Mom, I feel so amazing... I never knew growing up would
feel so magical!"

This is a still picture of Kaitlyn. She's a fine
example of the beauty of the Mead family women!
I love her sense of style and make up!

When Kimberly grew up, she dyed her hair.
She didn't wanta be the only blonde in the family,
so she dyed her hair a light maroon with black and brown highlights.
She wanted to look like her father! She also put in colored contacts
 to give her eyes a more reddish shade (she loves her father!).
SHE is as beautiful as any child of mine! I love her new style!

Branson came to join the family for cake as well...
This is what their friends looked like aged up.
To the left is Geofferiya (with a very eccentric style)
and our neighbor... (sorry don't know her name).

ANYWAY! I am so excited for my teenage girls!
I am a proud mother!


  1. Just followed you - check out my story over at my obnoxious blog:

  2. Oh thanks! I will take a look :)
