Hey everyone, it's been a very long time, but I have very important news.
So far, things have been good with the family and everyone's all grown up!
I have grown my hair out and aged quite a bit. I am loving life and
couldn't be happier with my kids! They are the best part of every day!
Our children: twins Vanessa and Veronica and their brother Jeremy.
The twins are young adults now and Jeremy is just a teen. I have
been overprotective of my children since last year when
Vanessa got in a car accident on her way home from school.
You can't blame me though, they are such beautiful children.
Jeremy is a spitting image of his father, but he has my hair and skintone.
He has always been my pride and joy since his birth, however, I will
always love every child of mine no matter what they do or where they go.
I still remember everyday my boy Brey who died so very young.
The other day, we were all standing around outside talking about our futures.
The girls had just graduated from high school and Jeremy graduated from
prep school and was on his way into junior high. I wanted my girls to plan
for college and get a good job for a good future.
"Veronica, I mean Erin, why are you suddenly wanting to move away?
Don't you want to go to college?" I asked my daughter.
"Yes, but mom, I don't want to study again, I want to live
my own life. I don't know. Will you let me?" she asked me.
"If you want to be on your own, do so. I can't stop you, but
I need you to promise me you won't forget about your family. Your
sister, she needs you to be nearby. You are her only friend, remember?
She still hasn't gotten over losing her voice when she damaged her
throat in that car accident last year," I said as Vanessa became sad
from what I had mentioned. I know it hurts for her to hear it, however,
my children need to stay strong and not let anything get to them.
"Mom, I promise I will text her everyday and I will visit often.
I really want to move away and have my own life now," Veronica
said, "But hey, no offense sis, I just think it's time to move out!"
We said our good byes and wished Veronica the best. She was all
grown up and there was nothing I could do, except let my little girl
spread her wings and fly. I pray the best for her, my little Erin, Veronica.
For some reason, I really like Vanessa now.