April 9, 2011

The Mere Beginnings - Triplets!

I had finished teaching Gem how to talk
and she scurried off. As I was watching TV, I was busy thinking about
what if I had triplets this time instead of twins or I had a single baby .. 
I was hoping that it would be a good healthy pregnancy no matter what. 

Stephen never gets off that keyboard.
He is addicted... it's a good thing
because he will probably become a world-renown
artist... pianist? 

Oh, he plays so well!

My Shaylarka is an insane one...
Second child with that trait..
She exercises in her formal clothing..

Anyway, today was also the baby Grim Reapers 
birthdays... Gem was so excited to age up!

I had Gyla in my hands for a few minutes because
she was hesitant on what she would grow up to be like.

I tickled her and told her it would be okay!
She laughed and smiled.

The Snake children came to join in Gyla and Gem's

Gyla grew up into a beautiful Grim Reaper girl.
She looks so pretty in that purple dress because
it matches her eyes. I can't wait to see her as a teen.

Gem grew into a beautiful fair child. She's gorgeous!
I love her luscious black hair and purple eyes.

After the girls aged up, I got busy fixing the broken computers
in the house.. My kids can be so hard on these machines.

I was getting more pregnant as I cleaned up the toys from
the last group of babies when...

I had contractions.. I was in so much pain I wanted to 
keel over.. 

I had triplet boys!!!!!
My first set of tripets!!

Nis has orange hair from my side... 
He has his dad's blue eyes and that's it..

Nemo has his dad's hair and my eyes..
His skin looks very orange, but that's just his white
hair against his tan skin... Nemo is a fitting name..

Now Norris looks like his dad, but 
thanks to Simgenetics he got random brown hair and
brown eyes. But, that makes him more unique to us! :)

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